February 22, 2011

Bathroom Brainstorm

A few months ago we made some big moves in the house - switching bedrooms, painting, and setting up my studio.  The dust has settled...but today I noticed our bathroom...which has already been painted (by me) three times.  It was cream, then brown (which my dad described as looking like, well, you know), then to a much-too-light yellow and back to a yellowy-cream.  The color is fine, but it needs a bit of sprucing.  We have a large brown towel rack that just doesn't fit and a smaller cabinet from Target that we have had for ten years - pressed wood and plastic, not really our style anymore, but it functions, so it's hard to get rid of.  Then there are our towels which have seen better days, but again, they may not look pretty, but they still work!

My plan of action: dye, paint, use what we've got!   

- Our towels will get a dye job of darkish-gray.  This will be a thin line to walk - too light and they just look dirty, too deep and they will make the room too dark.  I like these:

- The shower curtain, which is currently cream, will also get dyed a shade of gray, perhaps a touch lighter than the towels.

- The cabinet will get a fresh coat of high-gloss white paint and the handles will either be switched out or painted black.

- The top of the cabinet will get stenciled.  I really like this pattern:

- Accessories will stick with the color scheme as well...gray, yellow, white and perhaps touches of a light spa-blue

Here are some other bathrooms (much bigger than ours) that I'm also drawing inspiration from.

When all is said and done - I'll be sure to post a before and after!!  What part of your house do you want to spruce up?  Has the spring cleaning bug bitten you yet??
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