June 4, 2010

Fancy Crafty Shakers

Baby E loves shaking things recently - shaking her head, shaking her arms, and especially shaking things that make noise.  So today I decided to fancy up some old medicine and spice bottles I had been saving for this very reason!  This is a great way to recycle old containers as well as fabric scraps, ribbons, and such that you may have lying around.  All you need is a hot glue gun, something to make noise (I used different sized beans and rice), and some scissors.

Step one: Gather your supplies...

This is a good time to whip out all that ribbon you have lying around or any ribbon you have saved from presents you have received in the past (come now, I must not be the only person who saves my ribbon!)

Along with fabric scraps, I also chose to add some lace from my grandmother's (extensive) collection - it gives the bottles both an extra fancy touch, as well as different textures.


Different sizes of dry goods make different noises - I used rice, black beans and sesame seeds.

Step two: Fill your bottles...

Step 3: Decorate!!!

Step four: Find a little one to appreciate your masterpieces...

I had fun making them - E had fun shaking them!!! Pin It

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