May 26, 2010

An old favorite REdiscovered

Don't you love it when you rediscover something you love?  It's a wonderful personal present because not only do you love the thing you re-found, but you also LOVE that you re-found it!  Today I rediscovered Buy Olympia, a co-op of sorts of fun indie-inspired items by very creative artists out in the Pacific Northwest.  I have coveted QueenBee Creations, a long-time artisan group for Buy Olympia, for years until my lovely husband (without knowing about my quiet obsession) got me one of their wallets - boy does he know (and love) me!  Anyhow, I don't remember when I first discovered Buy Olympia...but it must of been toward the beginning of their existence since they've only been around for 10 years, and I know that I loved them when I was in college...but I digress...

They are RED they are BICYCLES and I think they are PERFECT (how's that for obnoxious capitalization)...I especially like the banana seat bike!

A topic that is close to my heart - this card is perfect.  I have a couple of Nikki McClure prints, but rarely send them because I like them so much.  Perhaps I should get doubles when I find something I love...but that would be too easy!

My favorite books for Ella are both educational for her and entertaining or beautiful for me.  This one meets all my criteria!
I do not have the words to describe how cool I think this ring is.

This book does not look like much on the cover, but the prints from the late 1800s make me swoon.

I mean really, it is pages and pages of inspiration, plain and simple!

This passport holder makes me want to leave the country (in a good way!)

I would do nice things to receive this beautiful Letterpress note, wouldn't you?!

Emily Martin (aka The Black Apple) does amazing work - I find her paintings both intriguing and a little creepy.  (The Quiet Room, As Long as I Have You, and Ava pictured respectively).
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May 25, 2010

New Kicks

Last night I finished E's new sandals and I'm happy to report they now fit!  I love them...and so does much so that she spent the entire time she was wearing them trying to get them off her feet and into her mouth.

I initially saw a how-to for these adorable kicks here, but due to a happy accident (as in, I didn't actually measure E's foot, but rather guestimated) I had to make them bigger.  I added the leather bows on the outside of each, which I think adds another fun bit of whimsy!


One project done...many many more still in the making...but let's pause for a moment just to enjoy!

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May 21, 2010


Lately I've just been going gaga over ruffles - mind you I would never wear them myself (I don't need any extra volume thankyouverymuch) - but on bedding, curtains, and *gasp* baby bottoms.  Well, just see for yourself!

                                                                                              (pink ruffles)

                                                 (open-air shower)                                           


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May 11, 2010

Don't look now (OK do...)

I recently stumbled across Abby Try Again...I think you'll agree that her photography is breathtaking!   I like her shots, I like her style, I like that she lives in Portland (though apparently is moving to Austin - still a cool place to be), I like that she uses actual film and vintage cameras.  I hope you like her too!


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May 4, 2010

Grow Green with Me!

Spring has sprung and our world is once again filled with that beautiful yellow-spring-green of new leaves and growth.  Such a vibrant color - I want to bring it inside with me! Check out this greenery...

Oh my, these green milk glass mugs are just too much!  When we got married we registered for all white plates, but as time has gone by I am craving some color in our cupboards...these would be just the ticket!

I love love love these felted acorns - they are made with real acorn tops - and couldn't be cuter.

I wish these little birdies were headed to Ella's bedroom (though I don't have any free walls)!

The necklace is nice, the presentation? Awesome!!

Curly Girl Designs are magic (and generally spot-on.)

His name is Murdock and he is grumpy...probably because he only has one tooth.

This fellow is Rupert and he is's all in the eyes!

Tee-shirt yarn - what will they think of next?!

This apron makes me want to bake! I love the tiers.

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